'Is Your Business Ready? More Workers Plan to Exit for Better Opportunities'

Is Your Business Ready? More Workers Plan to Exit for Better Opportunities

According to Statistics Canada, 6.9% of permanent employees were planning to leave their job in the next 12 months. Why? Here are the top 3 reasons:

#1 Changing careers

#2 Low pay

#3 Retiring

Every small business should have a plan for how they attract, onboard and grow their team. As the labour market continues to contract, companies need to be innovative in how they approach hiring and recruitment.

OndeWork will save your business time and money by providing an easy way to try workers before hiring them. There are many individuals looking for work but have a hard time standing out in the crowd. Using OndeWork means you get access to "job ready" workers and can evaluate them before making a permanent hiring decisions. Adding someone to your team will not cost you any additional money or time. Our goal is to help individuals who want to work connect with companies that need help.

* External Source: 150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240209/dq240209a-eng.htm

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