'Easy Growth Hiring Hack for 2024'

Easy Growth Hiring Hack for 2024

The latest report from Statistics Canada indicates:

  • Payroll employment is down in wholesale trade (retail, distribution, etc.)
  • Payroll employment is down in accommodation and food services
  • Payroll employment is up in health care and social assistance
  • Payroll employment is up in public administration (5th consecutive monthly increase)

With job vacancies slightly increasing, and the unemployment-to-vacancy ratio rising since January, businesses can glean that while certain sectors are contracting, there are still areas of opportunity for growth. For business owners, we believe this suggests a potential for tapping into the available workforce in sectors with declining employment and leveraging sectors with growing demand for skilled workers. How? By using on-demand hiring to find job-ready workers that have skills and experience a company can build on to fill the roles they need help with. The report also underscores the importance of flexibility and adaptability in your workforce planning.

* External Source: 150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240125/dq240125a-eng.htm?utm_source=mstatcan&utm_medium=eml&utm_campaign=statcan-statcan-mstatcan

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